The year started in a blur. In the span of a short 6 weeks life kicked into gear on a number of lanes. After a year, I said goodbye to my students at the North End Music and Performing Arts Center to embrace a larger course-load at Berklee, where I’ve foolishly agreed to teach a history lecture, and a larger private studio at the children’s theatre.
At the same time rehearsals began on “Sound of Music”, with the Arlington Children’s Theatre and not soon after that I was signed to music direct a college production of “Into the Woods”, while having to turn away two other contract offers.
I’ve also added the financial commitment of a car (we call him Carlos), to assist with all the new contract work, which has tremendously reduced the amount of time I spend commuting to and from work. Spending less time on the T has also done wonders for my happiness. I have so much time…maybe I can start exercising again!
It’s been a great month of getting to be exceptionally proud of my students. My Berklee students have started to self-correct their conducting; my voice students have all become more confident and continue to enjoy great progress; my “Sound of Music”, casts excelled in so many ways. I miss having piano students but maybe I’ll convert one of these voice kids one of these days. I even have a private-conducting student this semester who has remarked that my classes is one of those classes where “you actually learn something”. So, that’s a nice feeling.
It’s also come time to switch to a new journal, which is the only way I’m able to juggle the far-too-many plates I have spinning presently. Journaling’s been a habit I’ve been stubbornly trying to build for years and it appears that—thanks in part to the pandemic period—it’s finally stuck.
This newsletter is a bit dry, but I wanted to get something out while trying to catch up on all the work! Maybe I’ll see y’all again after the woods.