The “Mass for the Endangered”, was an artistic triumph. The Shift Orchestra project really could not have asked for a better debut and the glowing review from the Globe should help us gear up for future projects.
The semester at Berklee is underway. I now teach three sections of conducting fundamentals. The pace I get to take with higher-ed students feels a lot more natural to me—I actually wonder if I’m moving a little too slowly. My chair is observing class soon so I guess we’ll see.
I’ve also finally moved into my apartment. Now that I’m actually living somewhere instead of subletting, it’s time to unpack. The scent of cardboard has been infused into all of my belongings. I have never done so much laundry.
I’ve given into the excitement of finally living somewhere after so many months of temporary housing situations. I bought bookshelves. My library will soon again be at my disposal!
I’ve been taking my mornings slowly. I don’t get a lot of time to sit on my laurels. The little bits of time I spend unpacking and settling are my respite from the grind. I’d say things should settle down after this theatre contract, but I don’t really want it to. My next contract begins on Tuesday. I’ll only be sleeping in my own bed about once a week as I go back and forth from the Theater in Plymouth and classes at Berklee. I frown at all my kitchen gear I finally have access to but won’t get to use for about another month….
But you know, I’ve been telling people that my dream is to be able to work professionally while teaching. I expected that to come to fruition in a couple of years, but this contract in Plymouth is my first professional theater gig.
So you could say, I really am living the dream.